The BIGMINI is a compact chromatic tuner pedal that features two different modes: needle and strobe. The tuning range is from A0 (27.5 Hz) to C8 (4186 Hz), which allows for accurate detection of the low B on a 5 string bass. The pedal has adjustable calibration from 435Hz to 445Hz and features a flat mode for additional tuning flexibility. A true bypass switch provides the shortest, most direct signal path for the cleanest possible sound, while the bright LED display is clear and easy-to-read on even the darkest stages.
•Tuning Range: A0(27.50Hz) - C8(4186Hz)
•Calibration: A4 = 435 - 445 Hz
•Drop tune: Flat 4 semitones
•Required Current: 14mA@9V
•Power Supply: External DC 9 volt AC adapter(Center-negative)
Thanks to the Reserve Bb Clarinet reeds, your instrument will project a centered and clear sound fit for any performance. These reeds contain a shorter vamp for even tone in all registers, rounded tip corners for additional tonal warmth, plus the a thinner tip thickness for quick response.
Vaata lähemaltINV03885
Thanks to the Reserve Bb Clarinet reeds, your instrument will project a centered and clear sound fit for any performance. These reeds contain a shorter vamp for even tone in all registers, rounded tip corners for additional tonal warmth, plus the a thinner tip thickness for quick response.
Vaata lähemaltINV03886
Thanks to the Reserve Bb Clarinet reeds, your instrument will project a centered and clear sound fit for any performance. These reeds contain a shorter vamp for even tone in all registers, rounded tip corners for additional tonal warmth, plus the a thinner tip thickness for quick response.
Vaata lähemaltINV03887
Thanks to the Reserve Bb Clarinet reeds, your instrument will project a centered and clear sound fit for any performance. These reeds contain a shorter vamp for even tone in all registers, rounded tip corners for additional tonal warmth, plus the a thinner tip thickness for quick response.
Vaata lähemaltINV03905
Thanks to the Reserve Bb Clarinet reeds, your instrument will project a centered and clear sound fit for any performance. These reeds contain a shorter vamp for even tone in all registers, rounded tip corners for additional tonal warmth, plus the a thinner tip thickness for quick response.
Vaata lähemaltINV04094
Suurepärase tiibklaveri mängutunnetuse ja intuitiivse kasutajaliidesega digitaalne klaver Clavinova CVP-701 vabastab teie sisemise muusiku! Tänu paljudele interaktiivsetele, meelelahutuslikele, harivatele ja esinemisfunktsioonidele on need digitaalsed klaverid ühtviisi nauditavad nii algajatele kui edasijõudnud klaverimängijatele. Värviline ekraan teeb funktsioonide kasutamise lihtsaks ja intuitiivseks. Klaviatuuri juhtlambid näitavad algajatele, millisele klahvile järgmisena vajutada, samal ajal kui kogenumate mängijate jaoks võib ekraanile kuvada noodid.