Légère Signatures seeria saksofoni trostid reageerivad täpselt ja kiirelt. Need on õhemad ja jäigemad kui traditsiooniline pilliroog, mistõttu on neid lihtne mängida ja need on imeliselt siledad. Need tekitavad puhta, fokusseeritud heli koos värvikate ülemhelidega.
See trost on keskmiselt särava heliga, kuid endiselt fokusseeritud, mistõttu kasutavad seda edasijõudnud ja professionaalsed mängijad nii džässis kui ka klassikalises muusikas kogu maailmas.
Vaata lähemaltINV06433
Reserve reeds provide you with dynamic flexibility and exceptional, warm tone quality when playing due to their long vamp profile. These filed reeds feature a traditional tip to give you an ease of articulation and response.
Vaata lähemaltINV06678
Reserve reeds provide you with dynamic flexibility and exceptional, warm tone quality when playing due to their long vamp profile. These filed reeds feature a traditional tip to give you an ease of articulation and response.
Vaata lähemaltINV06679
Reserve reeds provide you with dynamic flexibility and exceptional, warm tone quality when playing due to their long vamp profile. These filed reeds feature a traditional tip to give you an ease of articulation and response.
Vaata lähemaltINV06680
Reserve reeds provide you with dynamic flexibility and exceptional, warm tone quality when playing due to their long vamp profile. These filed reeds feature a traditional tip to give you an ease of articulation and response.
Vaata lähemaltINV06984
The Epiphone 940-EPIGIG Premium Electric Guitar Gig Bag is a high quality gig bag designed to fit solid body electric guitars. Lightweight and convenient, the bag features a heavy duty handle for ease of carrying, while its durable ballistic nylon shell and soft padded interior ensure that your guitar remains safe and protected on the road.