Having become a popular standard in tuners and an indispensable item for brass band or orchestra thanks to its superior basic functionality and convenient functions, the CA series now has a fresh new look. Carrying on the stylish design with its simple layout of the basic functions, the note name display has been enlarged and the meter made even more visible. This is a must-have item not only for beginners but also for a wide range of musical instrument performers. The CA-2 delivers the high precision, sensitivity, and simple ease of use that you expect from KORG tuners, providing stable tuning functionality in any situation from personal practice to ensembles and concert practice.
Enhanced visibility and accuracy. Pitchclip 2, the clip-on tuner for simple and efficient tuning.
An evolution of KORG’s popular Pitchclip tuner, the Pitchclip 2 is an all-new clip-on tuner with a compact body and simple operation allows you to tune quickly and easily. Simply attach it to the headstock of your instrument, turn on the switch, then just play a string and the tuner shows the exact amount of pitch difference.
The Pitchclip 2 is designed from the players point of view and features high tuning precision with excellent visibility, an enhanced clip for even better holding power, and a reverse display function that will be appreciated by left-handed users.
The new Pitchclip 2 is designed to go and perform anywhere. Put one in your pocket, or in your case, and you’ll never be without it!
Jagage sama tempot, parandage oma rütmitunnet ja liikuge ajas. GM-1 on kõrvaklapp-tüüpi metronoom, mis võimaldab liikumise ajal harjutada.
GM-1 on ülikompaktne metronoom, mille saad asetada ühte kõrva samamoodi nagu kõrvaklappe. Kasutades mitut GM-1 seadet saate mitmekesi harjutada sama tempoga sünkroonis. See võimaldab kasutada GM-1 rühmatreeninguteks, nagu näiteks puhkpilliorkestrid , tantsurühmad või proovides, kus peate ringi liikuma. Kuular sobitub mugavalt ja kindlalt kõrva, võimaldades kuulda selgelt metronoomi heli keset ümbritsevat heli.