A redesigned, sealed enclosure for the soundhole-mounted Volume and Tone control module allow players to effortlessly make adjustments to their sound. The preamp’s voicing switch has been relocated and made easily accessible so players can accommodate different types of guitars, amplification choices, playing styles and performance situations.
Advanced Undersaddle Pickup with Unrivaled Dynamic Range.
Common undersaddle pickups depend on string attack to directly compress the sensors for their sound. This direct pressure is a root cause of the infamous “quack”. In contrast, our patented Element derives output from the movement of the soundboard and rejects string attack to minimize quack. Its flexible film sensor, thin as a human hair, mirrors the soundboard’s movement as you play to capture the guitar’s actual voice and its most delicate nuances. In addition, the pickup’s minimalist construction removes most of its influence on the acoustic properties, creates an intimate coupling between the sensor and guitar for the highest fidelity possible, and makes the Element amazingly reliable. Every pickup is made here at our California factory and is pre-tested in a guitar for output and balance.
Voiceprint DI on LR Bagg’si doktorite ja arendusmeeskonna pea kolm aastat kestnud intensiivse uurimistöö vili, mis on ühtlasi järjekordne peatükk ja läbimurre akustilise kitarri võimendamise vallas. Voiceprint DI salvestab ja analüüsib impulsskoste (impulss response) tehnoloogia abil detailselt teie instrumendi naturaalset heli ning loob sellest iPhone®-i kasutusliidese abil täiusliku “heli-jälje”, mille tulemuseks on teie instrumendi ülimalt autentne heli ka läbi helivõimenduse. Voiceprint DI on kõige autentsema heliga akustilise kitarri efektiplokk mille LR Baggs oma rohkem kui 40-aastase tegutsemisaja jooksul loonud on.
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