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  1. Tama Iron Cobra HP200P, Single pedal, Iron Cobra 200 Series, Power Glide Cam, adjustable beater angle, spring tension adjustment, can be fitted with TAMA´s Cobra Coil® for an even faster footboard return Vaata lähemalt
  2. Mapex PF1000 Falcon Single Bass Drum Pedal, extremely durable and smooth feel Bass Drum Pedal, reduced base plate size, beater angle adjustment, self-adjusting hoop-clamp, including 10+20 g beater weights Vaata lähemalt
  3. INV00545

    Vari-Pitch beater holder for Iron Cobra bass drum pedal. Vaata lähemalt
  4. INV01640

    Tama Iron Cobra HP200PTW, Double pedal, Iron Cobra 200 Series, Power Glide Cam, adjustable beater angle, spring tension adjustment, can be fitted with TAMA´s Cobra Coil® for an even faster footboard return Vaata lähemalt
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