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ADMIRA ARTISTA - Solid Top Classical Guitar

Classical guitar Admira Artista is a musical instrument that is presented in a series of professional classical guitars for professional guitarists.

394,00 €

Доступность: Нет в наличии

Производитель: ADMIRA


Арт.: 10038

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The uniqueness of the classic guitar ADMIRA ARIST is that the instrument was designed and manufactured by a well-known company all over the world, this is the Spanish company ADMIRA. The classic guitar Artista is designed and presented by the famous creator of the legendary classical guitars - Enrique Keller Fritsch.

The company, which was founded in 1944, in Spain, which is deeply and thoroughly impregnated with the sound of famous classical music and passionate classical guitar. All these unique components found their embodiment in the beautiful classical guitar ARTISTA from the company ADMIRA. This instrument is known to professional musicians for many years for its high-quality and sensual sounding in a wide range of frequencies. All this is supported by high-quality components of the instrument design. ADMIRA's classic guitars are the most famous in the professional musicians' environment, so you should think a hundred times before paying attention to another instrument from the series of classic guitars!

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