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LEGERE Alto Sax Signature 2.5 ASG250

Instant response, highly durable and consistent every time. Légère saxophone reeds are available in both our Classic and Signature Series, and a variety of cuts and strength to satisfy all styles of playing.

32,00 €

Доступность: Есть в наличии

Производитель: LEGERE

Модель: ASG250

Арт.: INV01069

Есть в наличии

The Signature Series for Saxophone respond without hesitation. They are thinner and stiffer than a traditional cane reed, making them easy to play and beautifully free-blowing. They produce a pristine, centered sound with colourful overtones.

This reed is bright yet focused which is why it’s preferred worldwide by advanced and professional players in both jazz and classical settings.

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Производитель LEGERE
Модель ASG250

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