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HOHNER BRAVO III 72 Blue – New Bellow A16642

With 72 basses and three voices, this big boy is the perfect companion for you if you’re looking for an accordion suitable for learning as well as solo and orchestra performances.

1 690,00 €

Доступность: Есть в наличии

Производитель: HOHNER

Модель: A16642

Арт.: INV06875

Есть в наличии
Piano Keys: 34
Number of notes: 34, G - E
Class: chromatic
Voices: 3
Number of registers: 5
Tone colors: 5
Standard basses: 72
Standard bass voices: 4
Standard bass registers: 2
Size: 39.4 x 18.5 cm / 15.5” x 7.3” 
Weight: 7.4 kg
Color: blue
Reed plate quality: standard
Straps: Standard straps
Case: Gigbag

Дополнительная информация

Производитель HOHNER
Модель A16642

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